urine tests - 35190n sap 10-50 2000 w nit

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urine tests - 35190n sap 10-50 2000 w nit
50 10
21.06.2008 · Best Answer: First Test: The 35105n is the lab testing code, SAP is Substance Abuse Panel, 5-50 means they test for 5 drug types with a 50ng cutoff for THC
18.09.2008 · I have to take a drug test. The test I am taking is "35190N SAP 10-50/2000 w/NIT" So what exactly does this test for? All the numbers and letters confuse me!
UR 35190N 10-50/2000 W/NIT - Will I Pass?.
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Have to take these tets 35105N SAP 5-50.
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urine tests - 35190n sap 10-50 2000 w nit
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